There are some interesting hypotheses around about the role of cleaning agents in undermining our immune systems, as well as causing diseases and respiratory conditions like asthma. I recently saw a study that concluded that anti-bacterial cleaning agents were sanitising our environment so muh that our immune systems were becoming hyper-sensitive.
This is interesting because I lived in the Philippines for 2 years and during the first 6 months I would often have diarrhoea as a result of the food. I was drinking distilled water though used tap water to clean my teeth. But in time my body adjusted. Being back in Australia for Spring though its evident to me that my immune system is more tolerant because I don't seem to have the same hay fever that affected me in Australia or Japan in years past. It might be too early to say. I also find that my stomach is stronger too. Food combinations that upset my stomach before no longer do. Importantly I am pretty well eating the same type of food as I did before I left. Same brands too.
I would not read too much into this anecdotal evidence.
Andrew Sheldon
This is interesting because I lived in the Philippines for 2 years and during the first 6 months I would often have diarrhoea as a result of the food. I was drinking distilled water though used tap water to clean my teeth. But in time my body adjusted. Being back in Australia for Spring though its evident to me that my immune system is more tolerant because I don't seem to have the same hay fever that affected me in Australia or Japan in years past. It might be too early to say. I also find that my stomach is stronger too. Food combinations that upset my stomach before no longer do. Importantly I am pretty well eating the same type of food as I did before I left. Same brands too.
I would not read too much into this anecdotal evidence.
Andrew Sheldon